

Spawn an agent. Spawned agents are compile to /opt/bingoc2/bin/


  • http => spawn http agent (defaults to Dingo)

  • dns => spawn dns agent (defaults to Dingo)

  • icmp => spawn icmp agent (default to Dingo)

  • stager => spawn stager for specific agent (gofer)



spawn http [flags]


-a => arch: target architecture (defaults to: x64)

-f => format: format for agent to be compiled to. valid options are: exe, dll, svc, elf, bin (defaults to: exe)

-j => jitter: random of random intervals between callbacks; in seconds (defaults to: 2)

-l => listener: listener to callback to (required)

-o => operating system: target operating system. valid options are: windows or linux (defaults to: windows)

-r => rhost: host to callback to

-p => rport: port to callback to (defaults to: 80)

-s => sleep: interval between callbacks; in seconds (defaults to: 5)

-u => user-agent: user-agent for agent to use on callbacks (defaults to: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0)


If only -l is specified, then the rhost and rport will be set to the lhost and lport for the listener. If the listener's lhost is, then an rhost must be specified. If both -l and -r and/or -p are specified, then -r and -p will take precedence over the listener's lhost and lport.


spawn stager <agent id>


spawn icmp [flags]


-a => arch: target architecture (defaults to: x64)

-f => format: format for agent to be compiled to. valid options are: exe, dll, svc, elf, bin (defaults to: exe)

-j => jitter: range of random interval between callbacks; in seconds (default to: 2)

-l => listener: listener to callback to (required)

-o => operating system: target operating system. valid options are: windows or linux (defaults to: windows)

-r => rhost: host to callback to

-s => sleep: interval between callbacks; in seconds (defaults to: 5)


If only -l is specified, then the rhost and rport will be set to the lhost and lport for the listener. If the listener's lhost is, then an rhost must be specified. If both -l and -r and/or -p are specified, then -r and -p will take precedence over the listener's lhost and lport.

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