

The BingoC2 Framework is not currently open source. While the source code is distributed to trusted persons, please DO NOT share the source code nor the compiled teamserver, client, or agent to anybody. This is to protect the integrity of the Framework from being signatured as quickly. Thank you for your understanding.


Please note that while the documentation may have commands/features, these may not be implemented fully in the current version of the Bingo Framework.

What is BingoC2?

BingoC2 is a Command & Control Adversary Emulation Framework with robust capabilities for use during Red Team Engagements/Operations. BingoC2 enables of team of operators to covertly manage, communicate with, and conduct post-exploitation on target networks and machines.


How does BingoC2 Work?

The BingoC2 Framework has 2 distinct parts: the teamserver and the client. The teamserver handles connections from operators and sessions, tasking sessions, etc. The client is how the operator interacts with the teamserver. Currently the client is only a cli application, with plans for a future GUI/Web interface.


Considering BingoC2 is currently NOT Open Source, any issues, comments, concerns, or question should be directed towards me.

Getting Started

To get started with the BingoC2 Framework, I recommend going to Installing BingoC2 and reviewing the rest of the documentation. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with me.

Last updated